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HomeLink is a secure, school district-maintained Web site that allows parents and students to view real-time gradebook, assignment, and other information for their classes. Most teachers utilize HomeLink, and it is an excellent way to stay informed of your child’s progress in class.





CHS Parents/Guardians...Please sign-up for a one-way text message service that sends messages from Concord High School to parents and families.


This program is called Remind and is specifically developed for teachers and schools. We will not have your phone number and you can sign up with whatever name you would like.

You can also request to be removed from the list at any point in time if you change your mind.

Example Text: CAHSEE Testing is coming up on Feb 3 and 4. Check the CHS website for the schedule for those days. If you are interested in this service, follow the instructions below to sign up to receive my messages:

Send text to: 81010 and in the message body of the text type: @chsnetwork Or Email: can leave the subject line blank).

After sending the message to the number above, it will respond with “tell us who you are”. You can type in whatever name you want to be known as to me the owner of the group. That is it! You will now receive text messages. At ANY time, you can simply unsubscribe.






Join PFC!!

Booster Organizations

Athletic Boosters

Band Boosters

Choir Boosters


See requirements to be a volunteer at MDUSD schools here