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Social Science


Matt Harrod ext 8342 Athletic Director/Social Science/Work Experience


Ryan Clason ext 8366 World History/AVID
Allison Faghih ext 8364 US History, AP US History
Erin Kaprelian ext 8365 World History/AP World History
Cameron Macado ext 8361 US History
Jeff Schiebler ext 8359 Economics/Government, AP Psychology
Samuel Torres ext 8367 Economics/Government, US History

Essential Learning Outcomes

World History

AP World History

US History

AP US History

US Government


AP Economics



AP Psychology



As per a dictionary definition, social science is:

1. The study of human society and of individual relationships in and to society.

  1. A scholarly or scientific discipline that deals with such study, generally regarded as including sociology, psychology, anthropology, economics, political science, and history.

The Social Science Department at Concord High School is composed of dedicated teachers who prepare their students for success in their future endeavors through the skills and curriculum learned in our courses. We focus on developing the three “R’s” in our classrooms at all times, Rigor, Relevance and Relationships. Through this approach we feel that students will not only master the content of each course, but take away valuable life-sills that can be used across disciplines. We offer 4 required graduation courses and two electives as follows:

            10th Grade: AP World History and College Prep World History

            11th Grade: Honors US History and College Prep US History

            12th Grade: AP Economics, Honors Government, College Prep Economics and College Prep Government

            Electives: Sociology/Psychology, AP Sociology/Psychology