Writing Center
The Writing Center
The Writing Center will return 2nd Semester, 2022 - Please check back for updates
What is it?
Welcome to the Concord High Writing Center, run through the Human Services Academy! Here, Writing Center consultants work with CHS students one-on-one at any stage in the writing process. Students should bring in writing projects they're creating for ANY class, such as essays, reports, creative writing, and research based writing. We help students organize notes, develop outlines, revise thesis statements, improve upon the 6-traits of good writing, fix grammar mistakes, and work on various aspects of the pre-writing, drafting, revising, and editing stages of the writing process. Our, collaborative learning environment offers constructive feedback with the long-term goal of improved writing skills. Our friendly staff is available to consult with you on your writing assignments. Our goal is to make your writing better with our incredibly well-trained and friendly student staff.
When/Where is it?
*Appointments are during Advisory and last 30 minutes. You will be given a Writing Center reminder slip attached to an advisory pass the day before your appointment – it will be delivered to your advisory class. The Writing Center is located in Room 209.
Who Are the Consultants?
Writing Center consultants are upperclassmen Academy students who have undergone training with both The Writing Center Advisor, Mrs. Coffee, and the Head Writing Center consultant.
How do I sign up?
San the QR code with your phone OR use this link: Writing Center
Extra Credit?
Many teachers are offering extra credit if you bring your assignment to The Writing Center. Ask your teacher about it!
*A Writing Center stamp is proof that you visited us. We’ll stamp your paper at the end of your appointment. Appointments must go the full 30 minutes in order to receive a stamp. This stamp is important in case your teacher requires that your paper goes to The Writing Center as part of the instructions or if offering extra credit for doing so.
Academics Locker
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