College and Career Center
Welcome to the College & Career Center page. Here, you will find information on college and career planning, grade specific information, PSAT/SAT/ACT/AP testing, Naviance, scholarships, and FAFSA/CADAA, as well as links to helpful resources on this web page. Click on links to find information on specific topics.
Upcoming Events
Financial Aid Night on Tuesday, January 7 at 6:30 pm in the College & Career Center. Attend this presentation to find out about the financial aid process and FAFSA/CADAA financial aid applications. Guest speaker is from a CSU financial aid office.
Cash for College Application Workshop on Thursday, February 20 from 6:00-8:00 pm. Get help completing your FAFSA/CADAA in this hands-on workshop.
College & Career Center Resources
Join the College & Career Center Remind for alerts on workshops, scholarships, deadlines and upcoming events you need to know about!
Class of 2025: @2025foru
Class of 2026: @2026foru
Class of 2027: @2027foru
Class of 2028: @2028foru
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